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Department of Agricultural Sciences Research Publications


Dr. Anju Pathania

  • Shiwali Dhiman, Anila Badiyal, Shabnam Katoch, Anju Pathania, Amar Singh, Rajeev Rathour, Bilal A. Padder and P. N. Sharma. 2022. Insights on atypical adult plant resistance phenomenon in Andean bean cultivar Baspa (KRC‑8) to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, the bean anthracnose pathogen. Euphytica, 218:77.
  • Shalini Devi, Anju Pathania, Reenu Kumari and Lakhmir Singh. 2022. Biochemical changes in leaves of resistant and susceptible urdbean genotypes infected with urdbean leaf crinkle virus (ULCV). Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 23(31&32): 42-55.
  • Gurpreet Kaur, Anju Pathania, Puja Rattan and A H Reddy. 2021. Genetic variation and association studies for yield and component traits in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus [(Thunb.) Matsum & nakai]). Progressive Horticulture, 53 (1): 70-75.
  • Gurpreet Kaur, Puja Rattanand Anju Pathania. 2020. In vitro plant regeneration studies in brinjal (Solanum Melongena). Journal of Krishi Vigyan. 8(2):166-73.
  • Shiwali Dhiman, Anila Badiyal, Sabnam Katoch, Anju Pathania and P N Sharma. 2020. Introgression of anthracnose resistance gene from common bean land race KRC8 into elite cultivar Jawala. Himachal J. Agricultural Research. 46(2):56-61.
  • Sharma, H.K. Chaudhary, A. Pathania and S. Thakur. 2019. Assessment of genetic diversity in Indian Common Bean germplasm for yield traits. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 9:1-11, /ijcmas.2019.801.xx
  • Sharma, A. Pathania, HK Chaudhary, SK Sharma and S. Thakur. 2019. Variability, correlation and association studies for seed yield and component traits in common bean genotypes under North Western Himalayas. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 8-1647-1651
  • Yerasu Suresh Reddy, Akshay Talukdar, Harsh Kumar Dikshit, V.P. Singh, Mukesh Rana and Pathania Anju. 2017. Response of different yield components as selection criteria for yield and yield components in early generations of lentil (Lens culinaris ). Legume Research, 40(1):160-164 DOI:10.18805/lr.v0iOF.9597
  • Jay Prakash, Naresh Thakur, Aman Rana, Ankita Sood, Anju Pathania, J.K. Sharma and S Lata. 2016. Genetic variability, inter-relationship and path analysis studies in single cross Quality Protein Maize (Zea mays) hybrids. Research in Environment and Life Sciences, 9(12):1487-1492
  • Sood V.K., Dhiman Rishu, Pathania Anju, Bhandari J. C., Chaudhary H. K. 2016. Genetic diversity based on multivariate analyses for breeding strategies in  Range Management and Agroforestry, 37(2): 175-180
  • Anju Pathania, B.A. Padder, O.P. Sharma, and P.N. Sharma. 2015. Comparative account of some defense related biochemicals in resistant and susceptible bean varieties during infection of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and their correlation with Pathogenicity. J Mycol Plant Pathol, 45 (4): 353-359.
  • Anju Pathania, Ph.D____________________________________________________


  • Lata, S., Guleria, S. K., Chandel, Uttam, Katna, G., Singh, Akhilesh, Sood, Pankaj, Pathania, Anju and Thakur, Kalpna. Stability analysis and adaptability of maize hybrids (Zea mays L.) across environments in Himachal Pradesh. Crop Res. 46 (1, 2 & 3) : 55-62
  • Kalia, Rama, Katna, G, Sood, BC and Pathania Anju. 2012. Phenotypic stability for yield and its related traits in kabuli chickpea. Crop Improv. 39(2): 196-199
  • Singh, Mohar, Khan, Z., Kumar, Krishna, Dutta, M., Pathania, Anju, Dahiya, O. P. and Kumar, J. 2012. Sources of resistance to Fusarium wilt and root-knot nematode in indigenous chickpea germplasm. Plant Genetic Resources: Charaterization and Evaluation, 10(3): 258-260.
  • Sharma, P.N, Kajal, Rana, J.C, Nag, Ruby, Sharma, S.K. and Pathania Anju.2012. Identification of Resistance sources in common bean to some races of Colletotrichum lindimuthianum prevalent in India. Indian Phytopathology. 65(1): 99-101.
  • Pathania Anju, Sood B. C. and Bhateria S. 2011 Genetic architecture of radiation induced variability for quantitative traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Legume Research. 34(3): 155-165
  • Negi, N.D., Sharma, S.K. and Pathania Anju. 2011. Studies on the effect of various dormancy breaking treatments on pistachio (Pistacia vera) seed germination and seedling growth. Himachal Journal of Agricultural Research. 37(2): 181-186.
  • Paddar,Bilal Ahmad, Sharma, Prem Nath, Kapil, Renu, Pathania, Anju, Sharma, Om Prakash. 2010 Evaluation of bioagents and biopesticides against Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and its integrated management in common bean. Not Sci Biol 2 (3), 72-76.
  • Sharma, P.N., Pathania Anju, Kapil, Renu, Sharma Prachi, Sharma O.P., Patial Madhu and Kapoor Vikash. 2008. Resistance to bean common mosaic potyvirus strains and its inheritance in some Indian land races of Common bean. Euphytica 164: 173-180
  • Pathania, Anju and Sood, B. C. 2007. Comparative effectiveness and efficiency of physical and chemical mutagens in chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Legume Research 30 (3): 186-191.
  • Sharma P.N., Padder B.A., Sharma O.P., Pathania A. and Sharma P. 2007. Pathological and molecular diversity in Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (bean anthracnose) across Himachal Pradesh, a north- western Himalayan state of India. Australasian Plant Pathology. 36 (2): 191-197.
  • Pathania, Anju and Sood, B. C. 2006. Spectrum and frequency of mutations induced by gamma-rays and EMS in chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Research on Crops 7(2): 453-457.
  • Sood, V. K., Sood O.P., Pathania Anju and Chandel Kushal. 2006. Exploiting Genotypic Variability in Relation to Genetic Divergence among Advanced Lines of Soybean [Glycine max (L) Merrill]. Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 19:1.­­


  • Pathania, Anju, Sharma, P.N., Sharma, O.P., Chahota, R.K., Ahmad, Bilal and Sharma, P. 2005. Evaluation of resistance sources and inheritance of resistance in common bean to Indian virulences of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. 149:97-103.
  • Bhateria, S., Sood, Shalaish P. and Pathania Anju. 2005. Genetic analysis for quantitative traits across environments in linseed. 150: 185-194.
  • Sharma, P. N., M. Kaur, Sharma, O. P.; Sharma, P. and Pathania, A. 2005. Morphological, pathological and molecular variability in Colletotrichum capcisi, the cause of fruit rot of chillies in sub- tropical region of North West India. Phytopatholgy 153:232-237.
  • Bhateria, S. and Pathania, Anju. 2004. Combining ability analysis and identification of putative fibre donors in flax through Line x Tester mating design. Himachal J. Agric. Res.
  • Bhateria, S.; Pathania, Anju; Sharma, J.K.; Badiyala, D. and Bhandari, J.C. 2001. Combining ability for seed yield and its components in linseed (Linum usitatissimum). J. Oilseeds Res. 18(1): 44-47.
  • Sood Salej, N.R Kalia, S. Bhateria, Pathania Anju and Kumar Sanjeev. 2007. Inheritance of flower colour and seed colour in flax (Linum usitatissimum). Indian J. Crop Science 2(2): 433-434.
  • Sharma, P.N., Sharma, P., Kapil, R., Sharma, O.P., Padder, B.A. & Pathania, A. Bean common mosaic virus strain NL1 polyprotein gene, partial cds. EF036693 973 bp cRNA linear VRL 24-OCT-2006. viewer.fcgi?db=nucleotide


  • Anju Pathania, S K Sharma and P. N. Sharma. 2014. Common Bean. M. Singh et al. (eds.), Broadening the Genetic Base of Grain Legumes, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2023-7_2, © Springer India.
  • Anju Pathania, Nidhi Rialch and P.N. Sharma. 2017. Marker-Assisted Selection in Disease Resistance Breeding: A Boon to Enhance Agriculture Production. K. Dubey et al. (eds,), Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Crop Modification, Nutrition and Food Production, Elsevier187-213.
  • Anju Pathania, Lakhmir Singh and Prem Nath Sharma. 2021. Host Plant Resistance: An Eco-Friendly Approach for Crop Disease Management. M. Kaushal, R. Prasad (eds.), “Microbial Biotechnology in Crop Protection”, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
  • Lata, N. Bhardwaj, A.Pathania, J. K. Sharma, Relative performance of local maize (Zea mays) under low and high input conditions in North western Himalayas. National Seminar on Organic Agriculture- Challenges & Prospects, at CSK HPKV, Palampur on 28th- 29thMay, 2014.


  • Pathania, S.K. Sharma, J.C. Rana, S. Kumar, Diversity in agro-morphological traits of amaranth in the north - western Himalaya. International Conference on, “Crop Productivity and Sustainability- Shaping the future”, in Department of Agriculture, at Baba Farid College, Bathinda on 20th-21stMarch, 2014.
  • Sharma, S. Gulzar, A. Pathania, Problems and prospects of Saffron cultivation in temperate areas of Himachal Pradesh. 4thInternational Saffron Symposium on “Advances in Saffron Biology, Technology and Trade”, at SKAUST, Kashmir, Oct., 22-25, 2012.
  • K Sharma, A. Pathania, Identification of resistance sources against bean anthracnose and angular leaf spot. National Symposium on “Emerging Issues in Plant Health Management” and Annual meeting of IPS(NZ), Sept., 28-29, 2012
  • Pathania, B.A. Padder, O.P. Sharma,P.N. Sharma,Comparative account of some defense related biochemicals in resistant and susceptible bean varieties during infection of Colletotrichumlindemuthianumand their correlation with pathogenicity. National Symposium on, “Strategic Issues in Plant Pathological Research”, at CSK HPKV, Palampur on 24thand 25th, 2011
  • Sharma, A. Pathania, P.N. Sharma, Studies on epidemiology of angular leaf spot disease of common bean in wet temperate conditions of Himachal Pradesh. National Symposium on, “Strategic Issues in Plant Pathological Research”,at CSK HPKV, Palampur on 24thand 25th Nov., 2011
  • Sharma, A. Pathania,Status of organic farming in dry temperate region of Himachal Pradesh.  National Symposium cum brain storming workshop on “Organic Agriculture”at CSK HPKV, Palampur during April 19th-20th, 2011.
  • Sharma, O.P. Sharma, P. Sharma, A. Pathania,  RAPD analysis of diverse isolates ofColletotrichumlindemuthianuminfecting kidney bean in Himachal Pradesh. Symposium on,“Challenging Problems in Horticultural and Forest Pathology” held at UHF, Solan during 14th-15th  November, 2003 (Best Poster Award).
  • Sood, O.P. Sood, A. PathaniaK. Chandel, Exploiting genotypic variability in relation to genetic divergence among soybean [(Glycine max(L.) Merrill] lines under mid- hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh. International Conference on,“Challenges and options for sustainable development of the Himalayas- Beyond 2002” at CSK HPKV, Palampur during 1st-4thOct., 2002.


Dr. Ashutosh Sharma

  • Kaur, A. Sharma, K. Guruprasad, P.K. Pati, Versatile roles of plant NADPH oxidases and emerging concepts.Biotechnology Advances, 32(3), 551-563, 2014.
  • Sharma, V. Singh, G. Singh, P.K. Pati, First Report of leaf Spot Disease in WithaniacoagulansCaused byAlternariaalternatain India. Plant disease, 97(3), 420, 2012.
  • Sharma, A. Thakur, S. Kaur, P.K. Pati, Effect of Alternariaalternataon the coccinellid pestHenosepilachnavigintioctopunctata, and its implications for biological pest management. Journal of Pest Science, 85, 513–518, 2012.
  • Sharma, S.K. Vats, P.K. Pati, Post-inflectional dynamics of leaf spot disease in Withaniasomnifera(L.) Dunal.Annals of Applied Biology, 165(3), 429-440, 2014.
  • Sharma, P.K. Pati, First record of the carmine spider mite, Tetranychusurticae, infesting Indian genseng,Withaniasomnifera, in India. Journal of Insect science, 12(1), 50, 2012.
  • Sharma, I. Sharma, P.K. Pati, Post-infectional changes associated with the progression of leaf spot disease inWithaniasomnifera(L.) Dunal. Journal of Plant Pathology, 93 (2), 397-405, 2011.
  • Pati, M. Sharma, R.K. Salar, A. Sharma, A.P. Gupta, B. Singh, Studies on leaf spot disease of Withaniasomniferaand its impact on secondary metabolites. Indian Journal of Microbiology, 48, 432-437, 2008.
  • Sharma, P.K. Pati, Record of Ashwagandha as a new host to the invasive Mealybug (PhenacoccussolenopsisTinsley) in India. Entomological News,123(1), 59-62, 2013.
  • Sharma, Pati PK, First Record of 28-Spotted Ladybird Beetle, Henosepilachnavigintioctopunctata(F.) InfestingWithaniasomnifera(L.) Dunal in Punjab Province of Northern India. Pest Technology, 5(1), 91-92, 2011.
  • Sharma, Pati PK, First report of Withaniasomnifera(L.) Dunal, as a New Host of Cowbug (Oxyrachistarandus, Fab.) In Plains of Punjab, Northern India. World Applied Sciences Journal, 14(9), 1344-1346, 2011.
  • Kumar, V.V.S. Jamwal, A. Sharma, Natural occurrence of secondary capitula phenotype in Calendula officinalisJournal of Plant Development Sciences, 7(12), 859-862, 2015.
  • S. Jamwal, V. Kumar, A. Sharma, Prasad C.S, Relative trapping efficiency of different colours in lure charged traps for two species of mango fruit flies in Saharanpur region. Journal of Insect Science PAU Ludhiana, 28(2), 199-201, 2015.
  • Sharma, A. Sharma, Use of AlternariaSpp as a Pest Control Agent: A Review. World Applied Sciences Journal, 31(11), 1869-1872, 2014.

Book chapter:

  • Sharma, P.K. Nagar, P.K. Pati, ROS modulated responses during pathogen infestation in plants. In: Advances in Plant Physiology- An Int. Treatise Series, Vol 14, Ed: Hemantaranjan, A. Scientific Pub., India, pp. 331-347, 2003.

Conference Presentations, International/National:

  • Sharma, P.K. Pati, Leaf spot disease induced changes in antioxidant enzymes and pharmaceutically important constituents in Withaniasomnifera(L.) Dunal. 5th International conference Plant pathology in the Globalized Era,10-13 Nov., by Indian Phytopathological Society, IARI, New Delhi, 121(S-02): p87, 2009.
  • A Sharma, P.K. Pati, Pests and pathogens infesting Ashwagandha. National Conference on Emerging Trends in Medical Biotechnology and Nanotechnology (ETMBN-2011), 3-4 Dec., by Arni University p50, 2011.
  • A Sharma, P.K. Pati, Pests infesting Withaniasomnifera(L.) Dunal-a high value medicinal plant. International conference on Entomology, 17-19 Feb., by Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala p65 (AE-04), 2012.
  • Sharma, G. Singh, P.K. Pati, Development of a PCR based detection system for leaf spot disease ofWithaniasomniferaand study of Polymorphism In the Internal Transcribed spacers (ITS) region of rRNA genes of different species of AlternariaNational Seminar on Environment and sustainable developmentby Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. p33 (PP-10), 2009.
  • Sharma, I. Sharma, P.K. Pati, Behaviour of Antioxidant enzymes and other associated biochemical changes during progession of leaf spot disease in WithaniasomniferaNational Seminar on Environment and sustainable developmentby Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. p33-34 (PP-11), 2009.
  • Singh, A. Sharma, P.K. Pati, Micropropagation of Withaniasomniferausing liquid culture system and its implications. National Symposium on Plant Propagation, Consevation, Modification and Characterization and 30th annual meeting of Plant tissue culture association (India)by Institute of Himalayan Bioresource technology (CSIR), Palampur. P42(69), 2009.
  • Sharma, P.K. Pati, PCR based detection of Alternariainfecting Withaniasomnifera(L.) Dunal a high value medicinal Plant. 14th Punjab Science Congress by SantLongowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Sangrur, Punjab. p225-226, 2011.

Training Programs/workshops attended:

  • Participated in The DBT sponsored 13 days workshop on “Recombinant DNA Technology” at The Department of Biotechnology, Lyallpur Khalsa College, Jalandhar.
  • Worked as a teaching assistant in 11 days “Hands-on Workshop on Basic Neurochemical Techniques for young Neuroscientists” at Department of Biotechnology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.
  • Participated in UGC sponsored 7 days workshop on “Analysis of biological data” held at Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.
  • Participated in DBT sponsored 3 days workshop on “Biological sequence analysis and applications in agriculture and veterinary” held at Bioinformatics center, Department of Molecular biology and genetic engineering, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand.
  • Participated in 2 day workshop on “Bioinformatics applications in Genomics & Proteomics” held at Distributed Informatics Sub-Center (DISC), Department of Biotechnology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.
  • Participated in the workshop on “Eco-safe disposal of organic waste through Vermicomposting & composting” held in Department of Zoology, GNDU, and Amritsar under the auspices of Ministry of Environment and forests, Govt. of India and got 3rd Prize in Paper presentation contest.
  • Participated in one day workshop cum orientation program on “Confocal Microscopy”, held at Department of Biotechnology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.

NCBI GenBank nucleotide sequence contributions:

  • GenBank accession No. JN618076, Alternariaalternatastrain As2, 18S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; internal transcribed spacer 1, 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, and internal transcribed spacer 2, complete sequence; and 28S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
  • GenBank accession No. JF446568, Alternariaalternatastrain As1, 18S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; internal transcribed spacer 1, 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, and internal transcribed spacer 2, complete sequence; and 28S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence

Contributions to MTCC type culture collection (

  • Accession no. MTCC-10939 (AlternariaIsolated from Withaniacoagulansleaf)
  • Accession no. MTCC-9617 (Alternariaalternataisolated from Withaniasomniferaleaf)
  • Accession no. MTCC-9595 (Bipolarisaustraliensisisolated from Withaniasomniferaleaf)



Dr. Puja Rattan

  • Monika Thakur, Puja Rattan, A. H. Reddy and Anju Pathania. 2022. Effect  of  different  Dates  of  Sowing  on  Growth,Yield  and  Quality of  Coriander (Coriandrum sativum  L.). Biological Forum-An International Journal (accepted). 
  • Deepak Sharma and Puja Rattan. Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and economics of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Jalandhar (Punjab). Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture. 17(1): 56-61.
  • Amandeep Kaur and Puja Rattan. Effect of Organic Manures and Chemical Fertilizers on the Growth, Yield and Quality Traits of Summer Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.)” cv. Punjab Chappan Kaddu. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change. 11(4): 142-152.
  • Kuar Gurpreet, Pathania Anju, Rattan Puja and Reddy A.H. 2021. Genetic variation and association studies for yield and component triats in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). Progressive Horticulture. 53(1): 70-75.
  • Arshdeep Singh, Puja Rattan and Neha Sharma. 2021. Effect of Date of Sowing and Spacing on Growth and Yield of radish (Raphanus sativus) cv. Pusa Chetki. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Biosciences. 9(2): 211-221.
  • Puja Rattan and Sanjeev Kumar. 2020. Development of interspecific hybrids (Abelmoschus esculentus X tetraphyllus) in okra using embryo rescue approach. Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. 17 (3): 517-523
  • Gurpreet Kaur, Puja Rattan and Anju Pathania. 2020. Invitro plant regeneration studies in brinjal (Solanum Melongena). Journal of Krishi Vigyan. 8(2):166-73
  • Gurpreet Kaur, Puja Rattan and A.H. Reddy. 2020. Effect of Plant Geometry and Genotype on Yield and Yield Contributing Traits in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench). Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science 22, No. (3) : 2020 : 513-518
  • Sunnia Gorka, Sanjeev Kumar, R. K. Samnotra and Puja Rattan. 2016. Variability and path coefficient studies in chilli (Capsicum annuum). Green Farming 7(4): 831-834.
  • Puja Rattan, Sanjeev Kumar and R.K. Salgotra. 2016. Role of Abiotic Factors in The Incidence of Fruit and Shoot Borer (Leucinodes Orbonalis)Guenee In Eggplant (Solanum melongena). The Bioscan. 11(4) supplement on agronomy – 2
  • Sunnia Gorka, Sanjeev Kumar, R. K. Samnotra, Puja Rattan and Rinchan Dolkar. 2016. Genetic divergence studies in chilli. Indian Journal of Ecology. 43(special issue 2): 907-909.
  • Puja Rattan, Sanjeev Kumar and R. K. Salgotra. 2015. In vitro plant regeneration studies using hypocotyl explant of brinjal (solanum melongena). The Bioscan. 10(4): 1469-1473.
  • Puja Rattan, Sanjeev Kumar, R. K. Salgotra, R. K. Samnotra, Falguni Sharma. 2015. Development of interspecific F1 hybrids (Solanummelongena 3 Solanumkhasianum) in eggplant through embryo rescue technique. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture. 120(1):379-386.
  • KaKi Ranjit, Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan and Rakesh Khajuria. 2014.Studies on transplanting dates and method of Seed production in knolkhol (Brassica oleracea var. gongyloides l.). The Ecoscan (special issue) 6: 187-191
  • Kumar Sanjeev, Puja Rattan and Jag Paul Sharma, 2013. Genetic variation and character inter-relationship studies for identification of selection parameters in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Science.83 (11): 1149–52.
  • Puja Rattan and Vidyasagar. 2012. Combining ability for quality traits in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum ). Haryana Journal of Horticultural Science. (accepted).
  • Puja Rattan and Vidyasagar. 2012. Combining ability effects for yield and its contributing traits involving bacterial wilt resistant genotypes of tomato in mid hill, sub humid zone of Himachal Pradesh. Haryana Journal of Horticultural Science. (accepted).
  • Jag Paul Sharma, Puja Rattan and Sanjeev Kumar. 2012. Identification of selection parameters for late segregating generations in okra. International Journal of Vegetable Science18:41–48.
  • Jag Paul Sharma, Puja Rattan and Sanjeev Kumar. 2012. Response of Vegetable Crops to Use Of Integrated Nutrient Management Practices. Journal of Food and Agricultural Sciences. 2(1), pp. 15-19
  • Jag Paul Sharma, A. K. Singh, Puja Rattan, Satesh Kumar and Sanjeev Kumar. 2011. D2 Clustering of Exotic Germplasm of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum ) for Genetic Improvement, Mysore J. Agric, Sci., 45 (1): 48-52
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan, Jag Paul Sharma and R. K. Gupta. 2010. D2 analysis for fruit yield and quality components in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum ) Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 23(3): 318 – 320.
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan, Jag Paul Sharma and R. K. Gupta. 2010. Genetic variation and interrelationship studies in chilli (Capsicum annuum) Journal of Research, SKUAST-J, 9(1): 132 – 136.
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan, Balbir Dhotra and Jag Paul Sharma. 2010. Effect of different doses of nitrogen and leaf cuttings on leaf and seed yield of coriander. Journal of Research, SKUAST-J, 9(2): 145 – 149.
  • S. Sodhi, Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan and Jag Paul Sharma. 2010. Screening of tomato germplasm for resistance against leaf curl virus disease under field conditions. Environment & Ecology 28 (1B): 502 – 503
  • Manoj Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan and Jag Paul Sharma. 2009. Response of radish to the use of integrated nutrient management practices. Vegetable Science36 (3 Suppl.): 406 – 407.
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Jag Paul Sharma, Puja Rattan, Sandeep Chopra and Satesh Kumar. 2009. Evaluation of exotic introductions of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis L.) for yield and quality traits. Environment & Ecology 27 (1A): 433-435.
  • Puja Rattan and Vidyasagar, 2009. Combining ability among bacterial wilt resistant genotypes for certain biochemical parameters affecting fruit quality in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Biological Forum – An International Journal 1(2):15-19
  • Puja Rattan and Sanjay Chadha. 2009.Gene action studies for yield and its contributing characters in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Biological Forum – An International Journal 1(2):8-10
  • Puja Rattan, Vidyasagar and Sanjeev Kumar. 2008. Line x tester analysis for combining ability studies involving bacterial resistant genotypes across environments in tomato. Indian Journal of Horticulture 65 (2): 239 – 242
  • 2007:
  • Puja Rattan, Vidyasagar and Kumar Sanjeev. 2007. Line x tester analysis for combining ability studies involving bacterial wilt resistant genotypes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Haryana Journal of Horticultural Science 36 (3 & 4): 158-161.
  • Puja Rattan, Thakur, M. C. and Kumar Sanjeev. 2006. Genetic variability and correlation studies in broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica Plenck.). Environment and Ecology. 24S (4): 983-985.
  • Kumar Sanjeev, Kohli, U. K. and Puja Rattan. 2005. Vr, Wr graphical analysis for horticultural traits in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis L.). Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning. 10(2): 369-371.
  • Kumar Sanjeev,Kohli, U. K. and Puja Rattan. 2004. Correlation studies in late cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis L.). Indian Journal of Horticulture. 61(2): 143-145
  • Kumar Sanjeev, Kohli, U. K., Dohroo, N. P. and Puja Rattan. 2003. Genetics of stalk rot resistance in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea botrytis L.). Journal of Current Science. 3(1): 173-176.
  • Kumar Sanjeev, Kohli, U. K. and Puja Rattan. 2002. Implications of combining ability in caulifliwer (Brassica oleracea botrytis L.). Crop  Improvement 29(11): 85-89


  • Jag Paul Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar, Manoj Kumar and Puja Rattan. 2008. Performance of carrot germplasm for different horticultural traits. Abstract book, 3rd J & K Science Congress held at University of Jammu w. e. f. 26th 2008 to 28th Feb. 2008. p238.
  • Jag Paul Sharma, Puja Rattan, Satesh Kumar and Sanjeev Kumar. 2008. Integrated nutrient management in pea. Abstract book, 3rd J & K Science Congress held at University of Jammu w. e. f. 26th 2008 to 28th Feb. 2008. p238.
  • Sanjeev Kumar, R. S. Sodhi, J. P. Sharma and Puja Rattan. 2008. Screening of tomato germplasm against leaf curl virus and early blight. Souvenir & Abstracts – IPS – MEZ “Annual Meeting National Symposium on Advances in Microbial Diversity and Disease Management for Sustainable Crop Production” held at College of Forestry & Agriculture, GBPUAT, Hill Campus, Ranichauri, Tehri Garhwal, Uttrakhand w. e. f. 13 – 15th October, 2008. P153
  • Jag Paul Sharma, Puja Rattan, Sanjeev Kumar and Satesh Kumar. 2009. Quality seed production of methi and coriander under subtropical conditions of Jammu region. Souvenir, National Seminar on spices (NSS 2009), held at SKUAST-J w.e.f. 22 -24 October, 2009. P. 72
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan, Balbir Dhotra, Jag Paul Sharma and R. K. Gupta. 2009. Effect of different doses of nitrogen and leaf cuttings on leaf and seed yield of coriander. Souvenir, National Seminar on spices (NSS 2009), held at SKUAST-J w.e.f. 22 -24 October, 2009. P. 46
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan, Balbir Dhotra, Shehnaz Fatima and R. K. Gupta. 2009. Allium species and their medicinal potential. Souvenir, National Seminar on spices (NSS 2009), held at SKUAST-J w.e.f. 22 -24 October, 2009. P. 47
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan and Jag Paul Sharma. 2009. Genetic variation and interrelationship studies in chilli. (Capsicum annuum L.) Souvenir, National Seminar on spices (NSS 2009), held at SKUAST-J w.e.f. 22 -24 October, 2009. P. 31
  • Puja Rattan, Sanjeev Kumar and Jag Paul Sharma. 2009. Evaluation of chilli (Capsicum annuum) genotypes for yield contributing traits.Souvenir, National Seminar on spices (NSS 2009), held at SKUAST-J w.e.f. 22 -24 October, 2009. P. 33
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan, Jag Paul Sharma and R. K. Gupta. 2010. Genetic divergence for yield components in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Abstract Book, 5th J & K Science Congress, held at University of Jammu, w. e. f. 8th Feb. to 10th Feb. 2010. P 234
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan, Jag Paul Sharma and R. K. Gupta. 2010. Response of radish to the use of Integrated Nutrient Management Practices. Abstract Book, 5th J & K Science Congress, held at University of Jammu, w. e. f. 8th to 10th Feb. 2010. P 236
  • Jag Paul Sharma, Puja Rattan, Sanjeev Kumar and Satesh Kumar. 2011. Protocol development for quality seed production of cole crops under subtropical conditions of Jammu region. Abstract Book (Souvenir & Abstracts), National Seed Congress – Quality Seeds for Prosperity, held at College of Agriculture, Pune, MPKV, Rahuri and National Seed Research and Training Centre, Varanasi, w. e. f. 29th to 31st Jan. 2011. P 314.
  • Gorka Sunnia, Kumar Sanjeev, Samnotra, R. K., Rattan Puja, Dolkar Rinchan and Khajuria Rakesh.2016. Genetic divergence studies in chilli (Capsicum annuum), National Resource Management: Ecological Perspectives, Indian Ecological Society International Conference, 2016, 221 pp.
  • Sanjeev Kumar, R. K. Gupta, R. K. Samnotra, Manoj Kumar, Satesh Kumar, Sandeep Chopra, Anil Bhushan and Puja Rattan. 2019. Underutilized vegetables for food and nutritional security, 5th J &K Agriculture Science Congress on “Climate Change Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Livestock Farming and Ecological Development” held at SKUAST-Jammu w.e.f. 14-16, October, 2019. P-110.
  • Gurpreet Kaur, Puja Rattan, Anju Pathania and Sanjeev Kumar. 2019. Invitro Plant Regeneration Studies in Brinjal variety “Navkiran” 5th J &K Agriculture Science Congress on “Climate Change Management for Sustainable Agriculture, Livestock Farming and Ecological Development” held at SKUAST-Jammu w. e. f. 14-16, October, 2019. P-107.
  • Technical bulletins
  • Jag Paul Sharma and Puja Rattan. Scientific cultivation and seed production of vegetable pea. Division of Vegetable Science & Floriculture, SKUAST-J, Technical bulletin No. 11. 17p
  • Jag Paul Sharma and Puja Rattan. Basics of greenhouse technology. Division of Vegetable Science & Floriculture, SKUAST-J, Technical bulletin No. 12. 19p.
  • Jag Paul Sharma and Puja Rattan. Knol khol seed production. Division of Vegetable Science & Floriculture, SKUAST-J, Technical bulletin No. 14. 11p.
  • Jag Paul Sharma Puja Rattan and Sanjeev Kumar. 2009. Agro techniques Of Cucumber Seed Production. Division of Vegetable Science & Floriculture, SKUAST-J, Technical bulletin No. 16. 4p.
  • Jag Paul Sharma, Puja Rattan, S. Chopra, Satesh Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar and Balbir Dhotra. 2009. Production technology of high yielding varieties of Jammu. Division of Vegetable Science & Floriculture, SKUAST-J, Technical bulletin No. 19. 13p.
  • Jag Paul Sharma and Puja Rattan. 2009. Karam ki Kheti. Directorate of Research, SKUAST-J. Technical bulletin No. 1. 5p.
  • Jag Paul Sharma and Puja Rattan. 2010. Broccoli cultivation and seed production with special reference to subtropical conditions of Jammu. Directorate of Research, SKUAST-J, Chatha. Tech Bull. No.2 Pp9.
  • Jag Paul Sharma and Puja Rattan. 2011. Project Profile. Directorate of Research, SKUAST-J. Technical bulletin No. 4. 63p

Chapters in compendium

  • Puja Rattan and Sanjeev Kumar, 2008. Role of Micronutrients in Seed Production, In: ICAR sponsored 21 days winter school on Technologies for Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Crops, held at Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, SKUAST-J, w. e. f. 8th December, 2008 to 28th December, 2008. 33-38.
  • Puja Rattan and Sanjeev Kumar, 2008. Organic Seed Production of Tomato, In: ICAR sponsored 21 days winter school on Technologies for Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Crops, held at Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, SKUAST-J, w. e. f. 8th December, 2008 to 28th December, 2008. 271-278.
  • Sanjeev Kumarand Puja Rattan. Quality Seed Production in Cabbage. In: ICAR sponsored 21 days winter school on Technologies for Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Crops, held at Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, SKUAST-J, w. e. f. 8th December, 2008 to 28th December, 2008. 249-256.
  • Jag Paul Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar, Satesh Kumar and Puja Rattan, 2008. Different Facets of Indian Vegetable Seed Industry, In: ICAR sponsored 21 days winter school on Technologies for Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Crops, held at Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, SKUAST-J, w. e. f. 8th December, 2008 to 28th December, 2008. 23 -32.
  • Jag Paul Sharma and Puja Rattan. 2009. Integrated Nutrient Management for sustainability and Resource Conservation. In: ICAR sponsored 21 days winter school on Conservation Farming through Efficient Use of Resources to Sustain Livelihood of Dry Land Farmers of North West Himalayas held at Division of Agronomy, SKUAST-J, w. e. f. 16th January- 05th February 2009. 115-123.
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Jag Paul Sharma and Puja Rattan. 2009. Breeding for insect resistance. In: ICAR sponsored 21 days summer school on ecologically best IPM under Ecofragile hill agro ecosystem held in the Division of Entomology, SKUAST-J, w. e. f. 14th July- 03th August, 2009.
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan, R. K. Gupta and Jag Paul Sharma. 2010. Efficient Resource Management for Sustainable Vegetable Farming under Temperate Hill Conditions. In: ICAR sponsored 21 days summer school on integrated farming for high hills held in the Division of Agronomy, SKUAST-J, w. e. f. 5th Feb - 25th Feb, 2010.

Chapters in books

  • Samnotra, R. K., Kumar Sanjeev, Kumar Manoj and Rattan Puja. 2017. Exotic vegetables, Organic Crop Production, Principles and Practices, Volume II: Crop Specific Organic Production Package (Edited by Jag Paul Sharma), Kalyani Publishers, 462-474.
  • Jag Paul Sharma, Baseerat Afroza, Faheema Mushtaq and Rattan Puja. 2017. Pea, Organic Crop Production, Principles and Practices, Volume II: Crop Specific Organic Production Package (Edited by Jag Paul Sharma), Kalyani Publishers, 356-370.
  • Kumar Sanjeev, Rattan Puja and Samnotra, R. K. 2016. Squashes and Gourds. Hand Book of Cucurbits: Growth, Cultural Practices and Physiology (Edited by Mohammad Pessarakali) CRC Press, 514-524.
  • Rattan Puja and Kumar Sanjeev. 2016. Sex expression in cucurbits: Special reference to cucumber and melon, Hand Book of Cucurbits: Growth, Cultural Practices and Physiology (Edited by Mohammad Pessarakali) CRC Press, 201-210
  • Sanjeev Kumar, Jag Paul Sharma and Puja Rattan. 2012. Conventional breeding strategies for insect resistance in vegetable crops, In: Ecologically Based Integrated Pest Management (D. P. Abrol and Uma Shankar ed.). New India Publishing Agency, pp. 519-535
  • Sanjeev Kumar and Puja Rattan. 2011. Cabbage, In: Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Crops: Technological interventions, Vol. II, Crop specific aspect. (J. P. Sharma ed.). Kalyani Publishers, 190 – 206.
  • Sanjeev Kumar and Puja Rattan. 2010. Organic Vegetable Production in Dry Land Farming Systems in Technological Innovations in Dry land Farming System. (Edited by B. C. Sharma, Anil Kumar, Vikas Sharma and A. S. Bali). International Book Distributing Corporation, Lukhnow, 181 – 190.
  • Puja Rattan and Sanjeev Kumar. 2011. Chilli, In: Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Crops: Technological interventions, Vol. II, Crop specific aspect. (J. P. Sharma ed.). Kalyani Publishers, 303 – 318.
  • Puja Rattan, Jag Paul Sharma and Sanjeev Kumar. 2011. Radish, In: Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Crops: Technological interventions, Vol. II, Crop specific aspect. (J. P. Sharma ed.). Kalyani Publishers, 423 – 438.
  • Jag Paul Sharma, Puja Rattan and A. K. Singh. 2011. Pea, In: Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Crops: Technological interventions, Vol. II, Crop specific aspect. (J. P. Sharma ed.). Kalyani Publishers, 439-453.
  • Edited Books/compendium
  • Jag Paul Sharma, Puja Rattan, Sanjeev Kumar and Satesh kumar. 2008. Compendium on ICAR sponsored 21 days winter school on Technologies for Quality Seed Production of Vegetable Crops, held at Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, SKUAST-J, w. e. f. 8th December, 2008 to 28th December, 2008. 354p.

Popular article

  • Sanjeev Kumar, Puja Rattan, R. K. Gupta and R. K. Samnotra. 2020. Status diversity and potential of indigenous and minor vegetables of North-Western Himalayan region. Indian Horticulture. 98-104.



Dr. Rahul Kumar

  • Kaldate,M. Rana,V. Sharma, H. Hirakawa, R. Kumar, G. Singh &R. K. Chahota,S. N. Isobe&T. R. Sharma,Development of Genome-wide SSR Markers in Horsegram and Their Utilization for Genetic Diversity and Cross-transferability Analysis. Mol Breeding(2017) 37:103
  • Kumar G.Singh, R.K.Chahota, T.R.Sharma,Development and characterization of sequence based markers in highly drought tolerant legume Horsegram [Macrotylomauniflorum(Lam.) Verdc.] for various genomic applications. Nature IndiaSpringer Nature P102, Inter-Drought V.
  • Kumar, V.V.S. Jamwal and A. Sharma. Natural occurrence of secondary capitula phenotype in Calendula officinalisJournal of Plant Development Sciences. 7(12), 859-862, 2015.
  • Sharma, A. Chaudhary, H. Sharma, P. Bhardwaj, V. Sharma, R. Kumar and P.S. Ahuja, Identification and cross-species amplification of microsatellite markers derived from expressed sequence data of rose species. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol, DOI 10.1007/s13562-014-0287-1, 2014.
  • Kumar, H. Sharma, S.S. Singh, R.K. Sud, A. Gulati, P.S. Ahuja, R.K. Sharma, Molecular Markers Based Approach for Genetic Improvement of Tea (Camellia sinensis)”.New Biotechnology,31S, 2014·


  • Bhardwaj, R.K. Sharma, R. Kumar, H. Sharma, and P.S. Ahuja.SSR marker based DNA fingerprinting and diversity assessment in superior tea germplasm cultivated in Western Himalaya. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy (PINSA),80, 157-162, 2014.
  • Bhardwaj, R. Kumar*, H. Sharma, R.K. Sharma and P.S. Ahuja, Genomic and genic microsatellite markers for efficient genotyping in tea and related Camellia  (*Equal contribution) Plant Breeding,132, 748–763, 2013.
  • Nadha, R. Kumar, R.K. Sharma, M. Anand and A. Sood,In Vitro propagation of Dendrocalamusasperand testing the clonal fidelity using RAPD and ISSR markers. International Journal of Current Research, 5(08), 2060-2067, 2013.
  • Korekar, R.K. Sharma , R. Kumar, Meenu, N.C. Bisht, R.B. Srivastava, P.S. Ahuja, T. Stobdan, Identification and validation of sex-linked SCAR markers in dioeciousHippophaerhamnoides L. (Elaeagnaceae). BiotechnolLett, 34, 973–978, 2012.
  • Nadha, R. Kumar, R.K. sharma, M. Anand, A. Sood,Evaluation of clonal fidelity of in vitro raised plants of GuaduaangustifoliaKunth using DNA-based markers. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 5(23), 5636-5641, 2011.
  • Mishra, N. Taneja, R.K. Sharma, R. Kumar, N.C. Sharma, M. Sharma, Amplified fragment length polymorphism of clinical and environmental Vibrio choleraefrom a freshwater environment in a cholera-endemic area, India. BMC Infectious Diseases, 11, 249, 2011.
  • Sharma, R. Kumar, V. Sharma, V. Kumar, P. Bhardwaj, P.S. Ahuja and R.K. Sharma, Identification, amplification validation and cross transferability of 112 novel unigene derived microsatellite markers in tea (Camellia sinensis).American journal of Botany,DOI 98:e133-e138, 2011.


  • Kamunya, R.K. Sharma, F.N. Wachira, R.S. Pathak, R. Korir, V. Sharma, R. Kumar, P. Bhardwaj, R. Chalo, W.K. Ronno, P.S. Ahuja, Genome mapping and testing for Quantitative trait loci in tea (Camellia sinensis(L.) O. Kuntze). Tree Genetics and Genomes, 6, 915-929, 2010.
  • Sharma, M.S. Negi, S. Sharma, P. Bhardwaj, R. Kumar, E. Bhattachrya, S.B. Tripathi, D. Vijayan, A.R. Baruah, S.C. Das, B. Bera, R. Rajkumar, J. Thomas, R. K. Sud, N. Muraleedharan, M. Hazarika, M. Lakshmikumaran, S.N. Raina, and P.S. Ahuja, AFLP based genetic diversity assessment of commercially important tea germplasm in India. Biochemical Genetics,48, 549-564, 2010.
  • Sharma, P. Bhardwaj, R. Kumar, R.k. Sharma, A. Sood and P.S. Ahuja, Identification and cross-species amplification of EST derived SSR markers in different bamboo species.  Genet.,10, 721-724, 2008.

Book Chapters

  • Phytoplasma effector; a physiological perspective, Submitted for an edited book to be published by Scientific publisher, Jodhpur.
  • Kumar, R.K. Sharma, K. Jayaswall. Tea: Genetics, Genomics and Beyond, Submitted for an edited book to be published by Springer.
  • Kumar, Kuldip, P. S. Ahuja, R. K. Sharma (2015), Status and Opportunities of Molecular Breeding Approaches for Genetic Improvement of Tea. Molecular Breeding for Sustainable Crop Improvement, Sustainable Development and Biodiversity 11,edited by V.R. Rajpal et al. (eds.)., Springer International Publishing Switzerland, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-27090-6_52), Volume 2,pp 101 ISBN: 978-3-319-27088-
  • Sharma, P. Bhardwaj, R. Kumar, H Sharma and PS Ahuja, Tea applied Genomics: Utilizing Genetic Variability and Current Genomic Tools to Enhance Productivity. Science of Tea Technology(2013), edited by P. S. Ahuja et al., Scientific Publisher, India. Chapter 3; pp 63-87, ISBN: 978-81-7233-831-2.


  • Kumar, Singh, R.K. Chahota, T.R. Sharma. Development and characterization of sequence based markers in highly drought tolerant legume Horsegram [Macrotylomauniflorum(Lam.) Verdc.] for various genomic applications. Inter-Drought V held at Hyderabad organized by ICRISAT during 21st -25th Feb, 2017.
  • Israel & India Academic Outreach seminar”in “International Higher Education Summit” during 12thFICCI higher education summit 2016 held atVigyanBhavan, New Delhi organized by FICCIduring Nov. 10thand Nov. 12th 
  • Kumar, H. Sharma, S.S. Singh, R.K. Sud, A. Gulati, P.S. Ahuja, R.K. Sharma. Molecular Markers Based Approach for Genetic Improvement of Tea (Camellia sinensis). 16thEuropean Congress on Biotechnology held at Edinburgh, Scotland, organized by European Federation of Biotechnology during 13th- 16th July, 2014.
  • Kumar, H. Sharma, S.S. Singh, R.K. Sud, A. Gulati, P.S. Ahuja, R.K. Sharma.Development and Utilization of Molecular Markers for Genome Mapping in Tea [Camellia sinensis, (L.)O. Kuntze]. VIPCA-I, held at Vienna, Austria organized by Vienna International Plant Conference Association during 8thFeb- 11th Feb, 2012.
  • Bhardwaj, R. Kumar, H. Sharma, P.S. Ahuja, R.K. Sharma. Microsatellite Marker Development for efficient genotyping applications in tea. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XVIII, held at SanDiego, California, USA during 9thJan- 13th Jan, 2010.
  • Faculty Development programmeon “Psychometric Testing and Behavioral Assessment” from 22ndto 27th January 2018 at DAV University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India.
  • Regional workshop on“ DELNET Discovery Services, Open Source Software, Emerging Technologies in Knowledge Management, Communication Skills for LIS Professionals, Academic Integrity and Plagiarism” on Sept. 16th2017 at DAV University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India.
  • An ORAL PRESENTATION on “Towards Genome Mapping of Resistance Genes Against Blister Blight Caused by the Fungus Exobasidiumvexansin Tea [(Camellia sinensis) L. O. Kuntze]” in Emerging Trends in Host-Microbe Interaction(ETHMI) national conference, held at DAV University, Jalandhar during 17th and 18th April 2015.
  • Bhardwaj, R. Kumar, H. Sharma, V. Sharma, V. Kumar, R.K. Sud, R.K. Sharma and P.S. Ahuja. SSR based genetic diversity assessment of tea collected from abandoned gardens of western Himalaya. Plant Propagation, Conservation, Modification and Characterization, National Symposium, held at CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, HP, April, 2009.
  • Sharma, P. Bhardwaj, R. Kumar, A. Chaudhary, V. Kumar, A. Sood, R.K. Sharma and P.S. Ahuja. Phylogenetic Analysis of bamboo species using EST-SSR Markers. Plant Propagation, Conservation, Modification and Characterization, National Symposium, held at CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, HP, April, 2009.
  • Sharma, V. Sharma, P. Gupta, P. Bhardwaj, V. Kumar, R. Kumar, H. Sharma, A. Sood and P.S. Ahuja. Molecular marker applications in bamboo-genetic diversity, phylogenetic and taxonomic inferences. Plant Propagation, Conservation, Modification and Characterization, Plant Propagation, Conservation, Modification and Characterization, National Symposium, held at CSIR-IHBT, Palampur, HP, April, 2009.